We are committed to transparent pricing in compliance with California’s SB 478. All prices listed include any mandatory service charges, excluding taxes and variable delivery fees. Delivery charges are calculated based on your recipient's address, delivery date, urgency and/or timed deliveries.
  • ADDRESS Flowers In Design
    9408 Elk Grove Florin Road
    Elk Grove, CA, 95841
  • CALL US (916) 348-0777
Weekly Special!! Splendid Surprise

Weekly Special!! Splendid Surprise


Prepare for a Splendid Surprise by Teleflora – an arrangement as sweet as can be. This delightful ensemble features green miniature hydrangea and lavender roses thoughtfully arranged in our adorable fuchsia cube. With a perfect blend of colors, including purple alstroemeria and maroon miniature carnations accented with greens, this arrangement is a visual delight. Delivered in Teleflora's glass fuchsia cube, it measures approximately 10 1/2 inches tall. With our same-day flower delivery, you can effortlessly share this charming surprise, bringing joy and beauty into any space or extending heartfelt sentiments to someone special.

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