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    2300 Arden Way
    Sacramento, CA, 95841
  • CALL US (916) 348-0777
Finest Farewell Spray by Teleflora

Finest Farewell Spray by Teleflora


The "Finest Farewell Spray" by Teleflora is a remarkably beautiful and feminine expression of love and farewell. Composed in soothing shades of lavender, this spray serves as a heartfelt tribute to a departed loved one, providing comfort and strength during a difficult time. Lavender flowers, known for their calming and healing qualities, are elegantly arranged to create a serene and dignified display. The spray is a symbol of everlasting love and remembrance, offering solace to those grieving the loss of someone special. Placed on an easel, the "Finest Farewell Spray" stands as a graceful and compassionate tribute to honor the memory of the departed soul.

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